Monday, December 15, 2008

To be or not to be

So why is it that I always think I need to be more than me to be loved.
It's funny when we sometimes get caught up in thinking about someone who we feel we
need to be more than ourselves to find the approval of.
Sometimes I wish that I could somehow join the two aspects of my happiness.
Being me and be wanted for being me, by the person I want to be with.
And then I know... everyone feels the same sometimes... I know there are certain someones who feel the same about me directly..
I've been told, to paraphrase and to use the nomenclature, "you don't want the girl you gotta be jocking, you gotta get with the girl who's jocking you"
Except scenario a is equal to scenario b... It's all in the mirror... it's a reflection of reality, seeing
myself in the world.. and the world in myself.
Funny thing is, I try to assert myself a little and I guess I come off as the ass...
It's not being myself.. It's attempting to be the me I'd like to be.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Forcing anything causes an opposite reaction.


Blogger Amy Briggs said...

Wow. You have no idea how many times I've had these same thoughts. We should definitely do a brain exchange sometime...and by that, I mean, of course, brain surgery, yes. I'm rather tired of mine - wanna trade for a while? :)

See? And you thought nobody read these. Silly man. That's the omnipotent power of the interwebs - nothing EVER entirely goes away,

I, for one, am glad to have found your writings, and enjoy reading them (including your poetry).


11:56 PM  
Blogger Amy Briggs said...

BTW - qué est "jocking"? :)

11:58 PM  

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