Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Everything exists in each of us

I'm going to ask a favor of you. Let us play a simple game together.
You won't even have to get out of your chair I promise!
Think of someone that you like and respect very much. Someone who's character and opinions seem to exemplify all those things you hold dear.
Think of the feeling that person brings out in you when you are with them, or when you are focused on them. What qualities in them do you admire?
I could think of a lot of people, my brother Chris, my friend Kent, even Victor Wooten who I don't know personally, is an example of good character to me.
When I think about the good characteristics of just these three men I find similarities;

And of course many more facets to each of them.
Are these character traits exclusive to them? Or do we, you and I, share them too?
I hope we do. I aspire to a life which when examined would reveal similar qualities in me. I strongly believe that everyone that I have have invited into my life have these qualities in their character and much much more.

Now, lets drop the other shoe. Think about someone that you dislike very much.
Personally, historically or in literature or film even. I can think of a few of these too, although, it's very difficult for me to name one that I know personally. Other than famous men of evil and ill will. ... I was gonna name a bunch but I thought better of it.. The problem I have about using these famous names is that we can't separate the men from the deeds. And all evil deeds in my mind stem from a place where the character of the man (or woman) was lacking. So lets think very simply about what would make a "bad man";


It's hard for me to come up with many more concepts to a bad person, that isn't a label for a bad deed. Or that can't be summed up in those three. Someone who would murder another person for personal gain is obviously selfish, to the extreme.
Someone you wouldn't trust with your money or your loved ones is obviously dishonest. Now we take the mirror again and check our selves. I have been at fault of, and have the capacity for; dishonesty, selfishness and anger inside me.
I don't know anyone who doesn't. The arguably worst mass murderer in history only suffered in greater degree's of the same flaws of character which I myself posses.
I think this is where in the wisdom of "Judge Not" would lay.

I know this is nothing new, not to the world, not to me and probably not to the would be (could be?) reader. But I think we all need to remind ourselves of what it is we are showing the world of ourselves. Making decisions in anger, out of selfishness or dishonesty shows the world the worst of us. But just by taking a beat, reflecting in our own actions, decisions and speech. We can show each other more respect, more love, more compassion and just plain more of what the world needs from all of us to become the place we hope and dream to live. Where a handshake means something to a man who's honor is placed where it belongs, ahead of his greed. Not because it is "better" to be viewed as an honorable man. But so that by example we can fill the world with people who's word is as strong as a bond. And the faith we can have in our fellow man will raise each of use to higher aspirations.

An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. But each of us lifting one another up out of fear and ignorance will raise the whole world to see with new eyes.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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