Sunday, October 30, 2011

First Snow

It's Oct 30th, 2011. If you're reading this, I'm most likely bread.

I just spent some quality time poking through old blog posts. I think the words bring me back more so than pictures. The words force me to recreate the time in my mind. To think about the smell. the feeling of the clothing. the pain, the pleasures.
Sometimes I look back at pictures and it doesn't seem real. That's not me.
That guy is too young.
Too happy.
Too ?

Did I ever mention the first paycheck I made when I lived in San Fran was made out to Bread O'Brien?

Perhaps it's just the fall, making me emotional. Bringing up old memories. Perhaps it's the relationship changes. All of the above. Or I'm just a morose mofo and every once and a while it's got to spill out somewhere and paper (er binary) is the safest place to be when I've got to vomit some emo bile.

I didn't realize how many people had made comments on this blog throughout the time I've had it. Reading other peoples thoughts, that they even took an interest, made this even more cathartic. thanks everyone. Here's to Samhain, all hallows eve. The day of the saints. And soon to the winter solstice that counts down the 1 year mark to our mayan 2012 extravaganza. Seat belts on and tray tables up, lets enjoy the ride!


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