Friday, May 05, 2006

Life is a Highway

Namely I-95..... North

After many years of deliberating I have finally chosen to leave Rhode Island for greener pastures. And I mean that both figuratively as well as literally. (And I chose the uncommon structure of that last sentence intentionally just so you know this isn't some imposter) I didn't decide this just last night, though last night was a great thinking night, walking to downtown and back at five AM looking to see if anyone was peddling coffee yet... (BTW no, not until 7 anywhere, sucked but there was a small respite.. roach coach for the win). I decided this almost two weeks ago and have put all the plans in motion as it were. (I don't think that is a proper tense for the word "were" in that last sentence, but it doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother you, *Brad's mad libs "Brad is a pathological __________" )

Weird seeing my apartment come apart like a puzzle being put back into some brown box that it wasn't meant to be in. How long do puzzles sit on the shelf, waiting to be layed back out again? You start to forget what the picture looks like when you can't check the cover for the clues to putting it back together.

I think it may be a picture of big Ben, but I can't find all the corners yet ;)
That what I'm looking forward to, clean slate time once again, a real chance to explore my creativity without constraint. Then again, I've had three hours sleep since 9 am on Thursday, and walked three miles before the sun was up this morning...

I'm moving to Bangor Maine, I'm leaving in June shortly after celebrating my thirtieth birthday.
