Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The quicker picker upper

Self Absorbption?

So, teaching, what I thought I always wanted to do.
Now I'm doing it. What the hell was I waiting for?

Makes me look all official.
Yet I still have not tamed that 4 string (or 6str) beast
within eyeshot of where I want to be.
I went to play some solo stuff at an open mic last night for the
first time in MONTHS.. (maybe 18months..) It was bad. IMO
everyone was kind, gracious and complementary even. But I felt like the bronze
medal winner getting praised to raise my spirits and not feel bad I didn't come in first.

Someone recently asked me if I get nervous on stage anymore, and I answered honestly no.
But that was with the band. Solo. eek. Fumbling.. rushing.. plunking unskillfully at notes that I'm desperate to get over with and on to the next part.
In short, I was playing the instrument and not playing music. (and I wasn't even playing the instrument well LOL)

Of course I am always my own worst critic. And the passage of time, varies between observer and object.

Better luck next time.