Sunday, October 29, 2006

All Hallows End

Went to a really cool costume party this weekend on mount dessert island here in maine, near bar harbor (tourist trap). I was dressed as the dude. Pajama pants, dirty white t-shirt, flip flops... terrrycloth bathrobe and a constant white russian in hand... was freaking awesome!

Crazy storm ensue's winds blowing trees about like crazy, rain pouring down like mad.. then the power goes out... wahoo party by candlelight.. oh no water... boo, whatever party,
next morning oh, the entire island is without power, holy crap! Ok try to leave, the bridge to get out of town... Closed.. HOly SHite! We had to wait four hours for one lane of the bridge to clear open.. then 1.5 hours in traffic.. then the 1 hour ride home..
Did I mention I got 2 hours of sleep?
And was farting every thirty seconds for the entire night after eating this crazy good spicy veggie chilli....

I rock.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

I miss Jon Tierney

That man came to be another one of my brothers from another mother.
Listening to practice tapes, and our Sunday morning blues sessions and basement albums almost made me cry last night. Why is it that sometimes the decisions we have to make, always have a cost? I kinda know how C&E and M must have felt moving up here, away from all their family and friends. Knowing it was the best thing for them, but having to distance themselves from all the comforts of f&f... Don't get me wrong, I miss everybody so very much, but when you make music with someone for 5 years and live with them for a year and half, you grow a bond just short of that with a lover. It's funny Maine is like a cult, I want to bring all my friends into the fold LOL. I wish I could be close enough to walk to all my good friends homes and have dinner with them. But I don't want to leave Maine, so what's left? Import everyone else here...

Hey wait a minute? Isn't that what M&C did? I can't wait until this job in MV is finished.
I know the time away has been painful to their significant others, and I shouldn't feel as I do.
But I moved up here to be with my brothers, and before I even finished the move up they were gone. Now five months later, I've seen my 2 best friends for about two weeks total...
I've learned my way around town, learned to live on the meagerest of budgets, learned to make better use of my alone time. Even made some new friends. I still have the ache in my heart for time spent with all my good friends, maybe I was spoiled surrounded by everyone constantly for so long that I've forgotten what a good hiatus is like. Maybe I should continue trying to enjoy my solitude as I know, like all things, this too will pass away.

Jon I know you don't get online, and if you did, probably wouldn't find your way here but,
I love ya and miss ya brother. I miss the great music you make, and I miss being a part of it.

Your partner,

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Old friends, new friends

Howdy Saints and Sinners,

Not much to share today I'm afraid.
I started a new correspondence with an old friend. That for certain, is most enjoyable.
I have been making a specific effort to grow the friendships I have made with people I have recently met. Trying to get past the, "hey whats up!" kind of friendship.

So far not having made much success in that goal, I have not yet resigned myself to social obscurity. I was invited to a halloween costume party this weekend on Mount Desert Island which I'm sure will be a good time. I have decided I will attend as "The Dude" "Jeffery Lebowski" Jeff Bridges's character from the movie "The Big Lebowski"...

Should be easy for me to pull off ;)

The dude abides....

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Digital Age

I always saw myself as someone "in the know" as far as technology and what was going on out there... Of course as per usual, I was wrong. So I did the next best thing and tried to jump on the bandwagon. I grabbed the tailpipe and burned my hands but I think I made a mark...

Two new links on the right hand side now, one to my myspace account,
and one to my YouTube account. Neither of which will see much more action than this site does but! It's out there...and they are all, kind of?, linked together so..
Whatever that means to my life I don't know, but if I figure it out, I'll certainly share.

I've got all the recording equipment up and running in a nifty little room I have here in the house... I think I'm going to call it the "Pine Box" studio for the time being.
Not too morbid right? lol There is a vid on the youtube site from a week or so ago, it's much cleaner and well lit/set up now. Maybe I should shoot a new vid...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Cunfucis Says:

Secratary not permanent until screwed on desk.

(Private joke, but funny none the less)

Friday, October 13, 2006

A show of hands

"Things are going on in the world at large much as they have this past age"

Gigging when I can, check these out

I'm kind of playing with Shawn regularly, and I was fortunate enough to be able to jam with
TBL at a party just a few weeks ago.

Despite the "dead" music scene here in Bangor there is quite a bit of really good music,
I'm wondering now what I could do to pull it all together?
