Friday, February 24, 2006

Till Daddy takes the T'Bird away...

Ah I really do love my car. But I can't wait to find a decent bike at an affordable price. Been working on a recording session all week over at Orbit. It's been really fun. I'm looking forward to getting together with TheGenetics again real soon too. It's another exciting adventure in my Bass playing career....

I'm just glad I can still play!

Mwah, c-ya bluebird...


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Come as you are...

As you were
As I want you to be
As a friend
As a friend
As a known memory
Take your time
Hurry up
The choice is yours
don't’ be late
Take a rest
As a friend
As a known memory

mem o ries
mem o ries
mem o ries

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Goo Boy


Ahem no not in a looong time.
Pretty boring, same old same old as of late, although I did a wee bit of "laying down tracks" on Friday up in Boston.. Some really cool cats, mc's that go by the names amino and c-lvl. Neo-Soul and Hip-hop blended stuff. Twin brothers that can rap and sing. And I mean sing, not like rap sing, but harmonize and carry a long melody..

Check em out. I like the stuff a lot... And I take it from their reactions to my playing they were digging on me too. So I think we are going to try and work out a regular collaboration.

Brad = Souped

Monday, February 06, 2006

Proudest Monkey

SO don't know if I mentioned (ahem bullshit I know I haven't) that I bought a new tv. 27" widescreen lcd Hi-Def monitor. It's my new computer monitor and it is in a friend of mines words "Ridiculous". lol
Yeah I'm the proudest monkey thanks dave for the language to describe how I see myself from time to time. Nice tv, speakers, surround sound and a few hundred dvd's tell the tale of how I'd rather sit in my safe little world and amuse myself with toys than be out there disapointing myself and others.

Not that I even think I would, or have in the past disapointed anyone, other than myself... Even now with my newest distraction, Warcraft, I haven't played the last few days and feel like I'm disapointing the other people in my "guild".

Ah somedays how I long to be either ignorant or an asshole. I was talking to a sax player busking up on thayer street last night. He was talking about the ignorance that you see on a public bus and he made a point to clarify, calling someone ignorant isn't realy an insult. It's just saying that they don't know any better. And by that definition, I wish I were ignorant. Of course for my part, and in my way I'm sure I am. lol probably just thinking I'm not proves it...

As a matter of fact don't care to continue this line....

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Feeling U, Feeling me.

So I guess this is really like a journal now.
I've ignored my blog for the last like month, and now returning with a guilty conscience. Yeah it really is like all my other half full journals...

SO what has Brad been up to? Eh... Not too much for certain. Re-arranged my room and some of the house. Cleaned. Played a crap load of world of warcraft. Yeah probably too much of the latter. You wouldn't even believe me it I told you.

Got together and played with Austin a few times this week. Maybe we'll give it another go. I have been inspired to practice more lately. I have the house to myself this afternoon and I've just sat here listening to sad music as loud as it can go for like 2 1/2 hours lol... Anyone seen my razor blades?

(Oh stop it I'm just kidding)

So that led me here to my only consistent haven of self exposure,
and no not the dirty guy in a trench coat kind of self exposure.
even if that's your preference.

And now facing the fact of the matter that self pity isn't even attractive to me, I can't bring myself to complain. Every time I want to complain, I realize how much I love my life my friends and my home. Of course even that statement is just a cop-out to relieve me from sharing what I'm really thinking and feeling with the harsh light of public opinion. LOL Like anyone reads this crap.

And if you do, you know tomorrow will be a brighter day in Brad land. It always is...