Thursday, October 23, 2008

Can't go a year!

So yeah the panic attacks are just about at a nil, and when the do get overwhelming tgfz.
bu t I realized it's been almost a year since my last blog posting!! Holy Crap. I've been working with a new group for quite a while now, river bottom funk. which is fun. The man the myth the legend Mr. Jon Tierney has moved to Maine! And I'm about to post the quote that started it
all on my myspace bulletin quote of the day! if you don't remember here it is again..

"Life is a long Dardenelles, My Dear Madam, the shores whereof are bright with flowers, which we want to pluck, but the bank is too high; & so we float on & on, hoping to come to a landing-place at last—but swoop! we launch into the great sea! Yet the geographers say, even then we must not despair, because across the great sea, however desolate & vacant it may look, lie all Persia & the delicious lands roundabout Damascus." -Melville

Have a great day, and hopefully it won't be another year before I have something to say!
Brad T. O'Brien